Thursday, October 18, 2007

I am SO EAGER!!!!

I want to work out so bad! I am big and 7 months pregnant and I cant wait to hit the gym again! I hope to get back into light working out after about 4-6 weeks of giving birth, and heavy lifting within 3-4 months of birth. (So I can get serious, with my midwifes blessing, around the springtime of 08.)

I cant wait to see the gym again!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Where Have I BEEN?

Yeah, Yeah, last post was in March...AND ITS JULY! So where the heck have I been? Getting fired from my job-yea, thats always fun. Its not like I wasn't trying though! God just had a different plan for me. ANOTHER BABY! I am as shocked as you are. LOL. I can't even work out right now because I have placenta previa but I am jonesing for another workout and I plan to hit the gym as soon as humanly possible. (And it looks like that is going to be sometime around February...shucks.)

Signing off for a little while!

You can check out my familys blog if you are so inclined. I am off to start that now.

Monday, March 26, 2007

What a Difference a Month Makes

Due to recent setbacks, I hadn't worked out at the gym since feb. Now, I am back again. I am going into overdrive this time, to gain back what belongs to me. My muscle!

I made it to the gym today. FINALLY! My body was like in shock. My muscles are SINGING right now. I am so thankful that I worked out. I did all the same excercises, and ALMOST the same weights....SOOOO close. It is absolutley amazing what can change in one month. I lost some mass, for sure....but it didnt take me long to gain it in the first place, and it wont take long to get it back. I am going to plan a serious menu today, clean out the fridge, and shop tomorrow morning. Protein shake is going to go on my list as well. Its really time I buckle down and start drinking those things. yummy. NOT....I am trying, ok!

Today I did:

Bench Press-45#, 3 sets: 8, 6, 5
Leg Press 100# 5 sets 8, 8, 8, 8, 6
Dumbell Shoulder press an easy 8#: 8, 8, 8
Curls: 12#, 8, 8, 8
Sit ups....So embarrassed....12. LOL.
Standing Calf Raises: Challenging! 120# 6, 6, 8
Seated row: 60 lbs 5 sets, 8, 8, 8, 8, 6
Tricep Pulldowns: 3 sets: 50#, 8, 8, 8

This marks the last time I let life keep me away from the gym for 3 weeks. I no longer need to work out with my husband (even though I would rather-cause we have so much fun!) But from now on, I need to focus on my goals and realize that I am the only one, with God's grace, that can get me where I want to be.
See you all next time!

Monday, February 19, 2007

I Need to Get Serious

In the last week, several things have knocked me down, and I have been getting back up rather efficiantly....but what I haven't done is brush those things off. I keep dragging them around with me. I havent worked out since Tuesday, having a sick child, dentist appointments, and a seriously trashed house have helped. I am having the roughest time balancing my new job with my workouts! I work on Matts days off and the last thing I want to do is dump the kids in YMCA care on our only family time. Anyway, now that my whining is over, its time to get serious. If I want to meet any of the goals I have set in front of me, I need to buckle down. Being stressed out about money is only going to drag me back to the place we have always been. I have the flu right now but what I can do, is plan my week, right now. I can decide what I am going to eat-to fuel my muscles, and how exactly I am going to get my workouts in. This week, I am not counting on working out-it depends on how long this virus hangs around in my body. I am not all about going out in public and spreading sickness throughout the county-I try to stay home and get well. So If I am going to get lean and fit, I need at least 6 meals a day-clean ones. I have a menu for the week, but the kitchen is a mess and I havent cooked anything. My best move right now is to cook a pound of whole wheat pasta-Thats one of my favorite easy meals to eat. I throw a bunch of chicken on, and some fat free cheese and veggies and voila! Its very filling too. Thats what I am doing-making pasta. Then, I am going to do 20 minutes of cleaning - and then rest. My parents just took the kids so I am taking advantage so I can hopefully get better enough to work out this week!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dunkin Donuts

I ate Dunkin Donuts for 2 days. I didn't have any food in the house and it was the easiest way to sustain life. (And yummy too!) I learned a very important lesson from the donuts, I am eternally greatful to Mr. Dunkin. Dunkin Donuts kill your workout! Dead. Here is what happened. I went to the gym last night to workout. I always do my large muscle groups first cause I do 5 sets-they are the hardest-and they yeild the most results. So I did my Pulldowns. I did my Smith Squats (ugh-I hate squats! :) I did my calves. (140 lbs baby!) I went to do my Incline Dumbell Press (like a bench press just with 2 15 lb dumbells instead of a bar-and sitting up at 45 degrees) I started my first set of 8. But I could only do 7. Thats odd? I did 5 sets of 8 a week ago. Next set: OMG 5. Next set 3. I did 3 lame sets before giving up.

So the moral of the story is don't eat a bunch of sugar and expect to be able to lift well! I'll do better next time. :P


Thursday, February 08, 2007

My Routine

Here is my workout:

Day 1
1. Flat Bench Press 5 x 6-8
2. Seated Row 5 x 6-8
3. Leg Press 5 x 6-8
4. Dumbell Shoulder Press 3 x 6-8
5. Dumbell Curls 3 x 6-8
6. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 6-8
7. Standing Calf Raises 3 x 6-8
8. Sit ups. Sometimes Declined. Not crunches. LOL. Sit UPS. However many I can do. 3 x 12 if i can

Day 2
1. Incline Dumbell Press 5 x 6-8
2. Front Pulldowns 5 x 6-8
3. Smith Squats 5 x 6-8
4. Dumbell Shoulder Raises 3 x 6-8
5. Hammer Curls 3 x 6-8
6. Rope pushdowns 3 x 6-8
7. Standing Calf raises 100 lbs 3 x 6-8
8. Sit Ups.

The Key to my Success

My 2 notebooks, are for logging my journey. I would highly suggest this system for anyone who is weight training. 2 small index card notebooks, one for my workout and one for my diet.In the red one, I write down everything I put in my body. Water, pills, wine, food, drinks. I need to track my eating. If I can eat clean, and consume enough protein, that is the key to obtaining the physique I am determined to get. My diet is key. In the blue one, I have logged my workouts, I write how many reps, how much weight, and at the time I am doing the excercise, I note whether it is too easy, need to add more weight, etc. Its great! It will keep me from getting stagnant and hitting a wall at the gym. Try it! $.89 at the grocery store and its the key to my success.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How Many Blogs Could a Blogchuck Chuck if a Blogchuck Could Chuck Blogs?

Uhhhhh....For those of you who know me, this is my 4th blog. Seriously though, this is my REAL blog. All those others...well, they don't hold a candle to you, Fit Jenny. Fit Jenny is the brainchild of Jenny Earnest, me. I am in the seedling stages of something so huge, it is going to knock the socks off of everyone who knows me. I am involved in, no, I am obsessed with fitness. This is a rather recent development, and a rather shocking one. It's the result of a complete accident, a yoga class, and a well meaning trainer who told me that I was young enough to be "Miss Universe." All of these things combined has set me on the track for fitness competing. I didn't even know it existed 6 months ago. I had no idea there were people who competed for these titles, outside of the really huge muscular steroid taking ones. I didn't even know you had to be on steroids to get that big. LOL. SO now I know. And Now I have to do it. I want to compete in a fitness or a figure competition. I have set goals to get me there. The rest is up to me. My journey will be well documented in my blog. You are welcome to come along for the ride. Thanks for reading my blog!