Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Paleo Diet

This is an awesome video!!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


notice the year on the last post? 2008. And when did I start this? I dont know. Probably 2007. Yeah. nearly 2006. No matter. been on a roller coaster...in and out of getting pregnant...all these little's I have....Hormones....Mental Illness...whatever. I am still only 28. ;)

Here is where I am at: been in the gym doing my old workout for about 3 weeks. I have gained 3-4 lbs (which is good. That means I am building muscle.) The goal is to build mass at this point.

I dont like my old workout though. So I came up with a new workout. here it is: http://www.teenbodybuilding.com/derek28.htm

I do not know how I ended up on teen site but whatever. LOL. They are all the same muscles anyhow.

I start today. It is my first time doing the different body parts like this. (As you see in my old schedule I just did everything all the time. Its in February of 2007.)


Monday: Chest, Shoulders & Traps dot


o Bench Press 2 X 8-10
o Incline Press 2 X 8-10
o Flat Flies 2 X 12-15
o Dips 1 X Failure


o Military or Dumbbell Press 2 X 8-10
o Side Lateral 2 X 8-10
o Bent Over Lateral 2 X 10-12


o Barbell Shrug 3 X 8-10


Work your abs at the end of two of your workouts. You can decide which ones to work them after. Here is the routine:

o Hanging Leg Raises 3 X Failure
o Rope Crunch 3 X 12-15
o Oblique Crunch 2 X 30
