Monday, January 18, 2010

I Know How to Do This Now!!!

I am starting to blog again and it's been forever! The last time I blogged I was getting fit, working out, enjoying it...but then (LOL) My husband left for school and I was in charge of 3 kids all by myself. And I was overwhelmed. And I didn't know I needed a plan! And I quit. (Also I got discouraged by some of the trainers at the gym telling me how impossible my goals were...kind of ironic right? Thats not a good trait in a trainer.)

Sooooooo.....I am going to leave my blog up because I know that I am not alone. So many people have gone through what I am going through and so many people need to know that they are not alone!

What I have learned:

1. You need a goal.
2. You need accurate information to get to the goal.
3. You need to know where to go for help because you can't possibly have all the answers. I hope this blog is going to help you accomplish your goals!!!


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